Following the kick-off of the 'Dare2Dream' campaign, The initiative set to be the biggest model search in Nigeria saw giants and stake holders from the corporate world coming together to share the dream of empowering the youths. Uniport was the first port of call as the team arrived there by 10am and went straight into the registration of candidates numbering into hundreds of girls. On the panel of jurors were Thecla Winklie (presenter from NTA), Didi Oliveira (London based stylist) and Caterina Bortolussi (Creative Director at Kinabuti).The day was full of surprises as contestants performed songs showing that they dare 2 dream. Thecla also used her reporting skills to ask daring questions and most of the candidates managed to get the jurors and audience intrigued
Duncan Mighty thrilling guests at the event
Exclusive photos from the DARE 2 DREAM (D2D) project [Uniport Audition]
DJ MW (MasculeeWhite)